Directorate Unical
    We provides always our best services for our clients and always
    try to achieve our client's trust and satisfaction.
  • University Of Calabar ICT
    Deploying Cutting-Edge Technologies
    We provide always our best services for our clients and always
    try to achieve our client's trust and satisfaction.
  • Deploying and Regulating
    AI in Education.
    We provides always our best services for our clients and always
    try to achieve our client's trust and satisfaction.

Campus Services

As our core mandate we are here to serve and support the university community with our services

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Consultancy Services

Being situated within a renound research facility, we pride ourselves with a variety of experts across various solutions.

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Unical ICT Academy

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Welcome To University Of Calabar ICT

Dear esteemed guest, on behalf of the entire Unical ICT Management Team, I warmly welcome you to Unical ICT platform- Unical’s window to the world..

In Unical ICT, we use ICT products and services in enhancing and reinforcing the realisation of University of Calabar’s core mandate of teaching, research and community services by deploying home-grown innovative and creative ideas in supporting teaching, learning, research, communications and administrative duties. Your findings and experiences while cruising through our platform will leave long lasting impressions in your mind. If you are in the business of Web Development, we can bet that you that your journey towards finding a very valuable model that you would always use in your next website design experiment is just a click away. The uniqueness of our Website is our own creative way of responding to the prevailing transformations that have seen Unical moved to greater heights in the committee Universities in recent years. The Unical ICT Team has taken full cognizance of these restructurings and has come out with this Website that does not only bring all the daily activities and events in the university to your comfort zones but also, markets the Unical brand to the outside world. In our platform, you will find clear answers to all your queries and worries about the Management Team and the men in front of the screens, our unique activities and the programmes that we run in the Directorate. We strongly hope that you will find the time that you intend to spend in going through our site worthy of doing so. We will be deeply appreciative of any suggestions and comments that you may leave behind. Welcome and have a pleasant stay.

Who We Are?

Our Mission

To Provide efficient and sustainable IT solutions and services that will enhance the performance of innovative research, teaching,learning and community services in the University.

Our Vission

To be responsive,leading, model and dynamic ICT centre, that enhances creativity, research and innovation through intelligent service delivery.


We provide service to increase our clients value through offering Professional ICT solutions with rich experience.

ICT Academy Courses

ICT Academy offers training in information and communication technology (ICT)
to equip students with the skills they need for IT careers.!

Watch Our Latest Campus Tour video

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  • June 26, 2016 |
  • New York

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Upcoming Event Title

  • June 26, 2016 |
  • New York

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetur adipisicing elit. Quas eveniet.

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Upcoming Event Title

  • June 26, 2016 |
  • New York

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetur adipisicing elit. Quas eveniet.

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Upcoming Event Title

  • June 26, 2016 |
  • New York

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetur adipisicing elit. Quas eveniet.

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